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Microsoft Excel VBA

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Course Details


Course Duration – One day

Benefits of Microsoft Excel VBA Course

Our Microsoft Excel VBA course is intended for advanced Microsoft Excel professionals that need to automate Excel spreadsheet tasks using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). VBA gives you the ability to do what you normally do in Excel, but much faster and allows you to work with ease with enormous sets of data.

We have designed a one day course structure that is relevant for business use. This is a hands-on learning experience which is more instructive than textbook. Our Microsoft Excel VBA course looks at creating and developing macros, working with worksheets and performing calculations. Please refer to the course content for a full list of topics covered.

At the end of the course the delegate will have covered the fundamentals of VBA. Our trainers are qualified and experienced professionals with years of experience in teaching the Microsoft suite of products.

For successful completion of this Microsoft course you would need knowledge of the basics of Excel, including how to create, edit, format, and print worksheets that include charts and sorted and filtered data.

Course Content

Developing Macros

  • Create a Macro Using the Macro Recorder
  • Edit a Macro
  • Debug a Macro
  • Customize the Quick Access Toolbar and Hotkeys
  • Set Macro Security

Formatting Worksheets Using Macros

  • Insert Text
  • Format Text
  • Sort Data
  • Duplicate Data
  • Generate a Report

Creating an Interactive Worksheet

  • Determine the Dialog Box Type
  • Capture User Input

Working with Multiple Worksheets

  • Insert, Copy, and Delete Worksheets
  • Rename Worksheets
  • Modify the Order of Worksheets
  • Print Worksheets

Performing Calculations

  • Create User-Defined Functions
  • Automate SUM Functions


Knowledge of the basics of Excel, including how to create, edit, format, and print worksheets that include charts and sorted and filtered data.

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Call us on: 07889 216849. Alternatively contact us online here.